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Wed, 30 May 2001
Our e-mail:
"Usman Malik" <islami@consultant.com>
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Subject: Re: Speaking with your relatives about religion
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:03:48 +0500
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Ali Sina,
Thank you for your quick and prompt reply. Now
I feel quite comfortable discussing these matters
with you. On your advice that not to discuss
these matters with my family members and friends,
I would like to tell you that it is not my anti-religious
debates, that provoke critism but it is with
my actions. I do not attend any religious gatherings,
i don't even remember when I last said my prayers.
These things obviously gives my freinds and
family a chance to critisize me. Now how can
I pray for a God on whom I don't believe?
Also Mr Ali, I would like you to suggest me
one thing. Now when I have left Islam, what
religion you suggest me to follow? Ofcourse
I need some guide lines to follow for my whole
Looking forward for your reply
Malik Usman
From: "Ali Sina" <afreethinker@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 17:34:42
To: islami@consultant.com
Subject: Re: Speaking with your relatives
about religion
> Dear Usama,
> Thank you for the email and your interest
in my site. My first suggestion is
> that you do not discuss about religion
with your family members. The subject
> of religion is always contentious and
the family ties are too sacred. As the
> matter of fact I do not suggest that
you discuss religion with your friends
> or anyone you know. Keep your relationships
with people harmonious and
> friendly.
> If however, you are very much interested
that a certain friend of your learn
> about the truth of Islam, and if your
intention is not just to hurt his
> feelings and make him angry, then you
may want to tactfully ask him to
> respond to some of my articles or other
writings on the net that raise
> questions about Islam. Tell him that
these points are bothering you and you
> want his help to clarify them.
> Arguing about religion with family and
friends is the worst thing one can
> do. Once in a while send them an article
and ask them about their opinion.
> Do not go actively campaigning against
Islam. Our goal must be to foster
> unity, not to divide people and cause
more contentions and disunity. If you
> feel strong against Islam, you may join
a religious club in the Internet and
> discuss religion there. In this way only
those who want will read your
> writings and those who don’t like reading
anything against their beliefs
> will not read. Weaning oneself from religion
is not easy and one must be
> ready for it. There was a time that I
would not even read anti Islamic
> material. So give people space and time.
Concentrate on those who are
> willing to discuss and as the rule of
thumb leave your family and friends
> out of it.
> Kind regards
> Ali
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