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Sat, 02 Jun 2001
our e-Mail:
"Usman Malik" <islami@consultant.com>
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Subject: Thanks for the link but.....
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2001 11:47:28 +0500
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Mr Ali, after reading the article, I have got
more confused then ever before. First I took
you as my solution, but now I am so confused
that I don't know what to even say.... Ali,
at the end of the article you said, that their
is nothing in religion and you will feel "God"
when you work for humanity. Right??Now first
of all why do you say about feeling God when
you previously said you don't believe on one?
Also everything we know today about "God" has
all transfered through some religion, without
them (I consider a religion as Philosophy, and
which can be sometime just built on illusions)
we don't even have a clue about the God, God's
presence, creation etc....
I hope you understand what I mean, this is just
too much confusing to even write...
Malik Usman
From: "Ali Sina" <afreethinker@hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 21:53:05
To: islami@consultant.com
Subject: Re: What religion is the best.
> Dear Usman
> You want to know what do I believe in
and what is my religion.. You also
> want me to tell you what to believe.
The answer to both these questions is
> in this article
> http://free.freespeech.org/rationalthinking/doubt.htm
> I receive about a dozen of mails every
day only from those who have
> questions about Islam or want to refute
my views. Most of those
> questions/refutations are the same. So
I created these articles and if a
> topic is already answered I address the
inquirer to the appropriate article.
> I could have also copied and pasted my
answer to you here. There is no need
> to rewrite what I already wrote.
> However, if you read the article and
still have further questions, comments
> or disagreements, I will be happy to
answer them.
> Apart from answering to the emails I
have to work, study and continue with
> my research. I am working on a couple
o books and those are important to me.
> As for joining the mailing lists, your
experience must have been with
> Muslims groups. Freethinkers do believe
in the freedom of belief and freedom
> of expression and do no kick any one
out unless that person behaves
> obnoxiously insulting other members,
> Kind regards
> Ali Sina
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