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1)Hazrat Ayeshaa (r.a) said, "We set out with the sole intention of performing Hajj and when we reached Sarif, (a place six miles from Mecca) I got my menses. Allah's Apostle came to me while I was weeping. He said 'What is the matter with you? Have you got your menses?' I replied, 'Yes.' He said, 'This is a thing which Allah has ordained for the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of the Tawaf (Circumambulation) round the Ka'ba.' " 'Aisha added, "Allah's Apostle sacrificed cows on behalf of his wives."
2)Hazrat Ayeshaa (r.a) said: Whenever anyone of us got her menses, she, on becoming clean, used to take hold of the blood spot and rub the blood off her garment, and pour water over it and wash that portion thoroughly and sprinkle water over the rest of the garment. After that she would pray in (with) it.
3)A woman asked the Prophet about the bath which is taken after finishing from the menses. The Prophet told her what to do and said, "Purify yourself with a piece of cloth scented with musk." The woman asked, "How shall I purify myself with it" He said, "Subhan Allah! Purify yourself (with it)." I pulled her to myself and said, "Rub the place soiled with blood with it."
4)Hazrat Maemuna (r.a), the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said: during my menses, I never prayed, but used to sit on the mat beside the mosque of Allah's Apostle. He used to offer the prayer on his sheet and in prostration some of his clothes used to touch me."
1)Whenever Allah's Apostle came out on 'Id day, he used to order that a Harba (a short spear) to be planted in front of him (as a Sutra for his prayer) and then he used to pray facing it with the people behind him and used to do the same while on a journey. After the Prophet , this practice was adopted by the Muslim rulers (who followed his traditions).
2)Hazrat Ayeshaa (r.a) said: The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They said, "Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in front of the praying people)." I said, "You have made us (i.e. women) dogs. I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in my bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip away, for I disliked to face him."
3)"The Prophet used to make his she-camel sit across and he would pray facing it (as a Sutra)." I asked, "What would the Prophet do if the she-camel was provoked and moved?" He said, "He would take its camel-saddle and put it in front of him and pray facing its back part (as a Sutra). And Ibn 'Umar used to do the same." (This indicates that one should not pray except behind a Sutra).
4)'Abdullah bin 'Umar said, "Allah's Apostle entered the Ka'ba along with Usama bin Zaid, Bilal and 'Uthman bin Talha Al-Hajabi and closed the door and stayed there for some time. I asked Bilal when he came out, 'What did the Prophet do?' He replied, 'He offered prayer with one pillar to his left and one to his right and three behind.' In those days the Ka'ba was supported by six pillars." Malik said: "There were two pillars on his (the Prophet's) right side."
1)(Abdullah) bin 'Umar used to say, "Is not (the following of) the tradition of Allah's Apostle sufficient for you? If anyone of you is prevented from performing Hajj, he should perform the Tawaf of the Ka'ba and between As-Safa and Al-Marwa and then finish the Ihram and everything will become legal for him which was illegal for him (during the state of Ihram) and he can perform Hajj in a following year and he should slaughter a Hadi or fast in case he cannot afford the Hadi."
2)When Abdullah bin 'Umar set out for Mecca with the intentions performing 'Umra in the period of afflictions, he said, "If I should be prevented from reaching the Ka'ba, then I would do the same as we did while in the company of Allah's Apostle ." So, he assumed the Ihram for 'Umra since the Prophet had assumed the Ihram for 'Umra in the year of Al-Hudaibiya. Then 'Abdullah bin 'Umar thought about it and said, "The conditions for both Hajj and 'Umra are similar." He then turned towards his companions and said, "The conditions of both Hajj and 'Umra are similar and I make you witnesses that I have made the performance of Hajj obligatory for myself along with 'Umra." He then performed one Tawaf (between As-Safa and Al-Marwa) for both of them (i.e. Hajj and ('Umra) and considered that to be sufficient for him and offered a Hadi.
3)Ka'b bin 'Ujra said that Allah's Apostle said to him (Ka'b), "Perhaps your lice have troubled you?" Ka'b replied, "Yes! O Allah's Apostle." Allah's Apostle said, "Have your head shaved and then either fast three days or feed six poor persons or slaughter one sheep as a sacrifice."
4)Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever performs Hajj to this House (Ka'ba) and does not approach his wife for sexual relations nor commits sins (while performing Hajj), he will come out as sinless as a newly-born child. (Just delivered by his mother)."
1)Hazrat Anas(r.a) said: No doubt, the Prophet mortgaged his armor for barley grams. Once I took barley bread with some dissolved fat on it to the Prophet and I heard him saying, "The household of Muhammad did not possess except a Sa (of food grain, barley, etc.) for both the morning and the evening meals although they were nine houses."
2)Allah's Apostle said, "Who would kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf as he has harmed Allah and His Apostle ?" Muhammad bin Maslama (got up and) said, "I will kill him." So, Muhammad bin Maslama went to Ka'b and said, "I want a loan of one or two Wasqs of food grains." Ka'b said, "Mortgage your women to me." Muhammad bin Maslama said, "How can we mortgage our women, and you are the most handsome among the Arabs?" He said, "Then mortgage your sons to me." Muhammad said, "How can we mortgage our sons, as the people will abuse them for being mortgaged for one or two Wasqs of food grains? It is shameful for us. But we will mortgage our arms to you." So, Muhammad bin Maslama promised him that he would come to him next time. They (Muhammad bin Maslama and his companions) came to him as promised and murdered him. Then they went to the Prophet and told him about it.
3)Allah's Apostle bought some foodstuff from a Jew and mortgaged his armor to him.
4)Abdullah (bin Mas'ud) said, "Whoever took a false oath in order to grab somebody's property will meet Allah while Allah will be angry with him." Allah revealed the following verse to confirm that: "Verily! Those who purchase a small gain at the cost of Allah's covenant And their oaths...a painful torment." (3.77)
Al-Ash'ath bin Qais came to us and asked as to "what Abu Abdur-Rahman (i.e. Ibn Mas'ud) was telling you." We related the story to him. On that he said, "He has told the truth. This verse was revealed about me. I had some dispute with another man regarding a well and we took the case before Allah's Apostle. Allah's Apostle said (to me), 'Produce two witnesses (to support your claim); otherwise the defendant has the right to take an oath (to refute your claim).' I said, 'The defendant would not mind to take a false oath.' Allah's Apostle then said, 'Whoever took a false oath in order to grab someone else's property will meet Allah, Allah will be angry with him.' Allah then revealed what confirmed it." Al-Ash'ath then recited the following verse: "Verily! Those who purchase a small gain at the cost of Allah's covenant, And their oaths . . . (to) . . . they shall have a painful torment!' (3.77)
Military Expeditions
1)Hazrat Abu Ishaq said: Once, while I was sitting beside Zaid bin Al-Arqam, he was asked, "How many ghazwat did the Prophet undertake?" Zaid replied, "Nineteen." They said, "In how many ghazwat did you join him?" He replied, "Seventeen." I asked, "Which of these was the first?" He replied, "Al-'Ashira or Al-'Ashiru."
2)Narrated by Abdullah: That he came across Abu Jahl while he was on the point of death on the day of Badr. Abu Jahl said, "You should not be proud that you have killed me nor I am ashamed of being killed by my own folk."
3)Narrated by Hazrat Jabar bin Amr bin Amayia:I went out with 'Ubaidullah bin 'Adi Al-Khaiyar. When we reached Hims (i.e. a town in Syria), 'Ubaidullah bin 'Adi said (to me), "Would you like to see Wahshi so that we may ask him about the killing of Hamza?" I replied, "Yes." Wahshi used to live in Hims. We enquired about him and somebody said to us, "He is that in the shade of his palace, as if he were a full water skin." So we went up to him, and when we were at a short distance from him, we greeted him and he greeted us in return. 'Ubaidullah was wearing his turban and Wahshi could not see except his eyes and feet. 'Ubaidullah said, "O Wahshi! Do you know me?" Wahshi looked at him and then said, "No, by Allah! But I know that 'Adi bin Al-Khiyar married a woman called Um Qital, the daughter of Abu Al-Is, and she delivered a boy for him at Mecca, and I looked for a wet nurse for that child. (Once) I carried that child along with his mother and then I handed him over to her, and your feet resemble that child's feet." Then 'Ubaidullah uncovered his face and said (to Wahshi), "Will you tell us (the story of) the killing of Hamza?" Wahshi replied "Yes, Hamza killed Tuaima bin 'Adi bin Al-Khaiyar at Badr (battle) so my master, Jubair bin Mut'im said to me, 'If you kill Hamza in revenge for my uncle, then you will be set free." When the people set out (for the battle of Uhud) in the year of 'Ainain ('Ainain is a mountain near the mountain of Uhud, and between it and Uhud there is a valley) I went out with the people for the battle. When the army aligned for the fight, Siba' came out and said, 'Is there any (Muslim) to accept my challenge to a duel?' Hamza bin 'Abdul Muttalib came out and said, 'O Siba! O Ibn Um Anmar, the one who circumcises other ladies! Do you challenge Allah and His Apostle?' Then Hamza attacked and killed him, causing him to be non-extant like the bygone yesterday. I hid myself under a rock, and when he (i.e. Hamza) came near me, I threw my spear at him, driving it into his umbilicus so that it came out through his buttocks, causing him to die. When all the people returned to Mecca, I too returned with them. I stayed in (Mecca) till Islam spread in it (i.e. Mecca). Then I left for Taif, and when the people (of Taif) sent their messengers to Allah's Apostle, I was told that the Prophet did not harm the messengers; so I too went out with them till I reached Allah's Apostle. When he saw me, he said, 'Are you Wahshi?' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Was it you who killed Hamza?' I replied, 'What happened is what you have been told of.' He said, 'Can you hide your face from me?' So I went out when Allah's Apostle died, and Musailamah Al-Kadhdhab appeared (claiming to be a prophet). I said, 'I will go out to Musailamah so that I may kill him, and make amends for killing Hamza. So I went out with the people (to fight Musailamah and his followers) and then famous events took place concerning that battle. Suddenly I saw a man (i.e. Musailamah) standing near a gap in a wall. He looked like an ash-colored camel and his hair was dishevelled. So I threw my spear at him, driving it into his chest in between his breasts till it passed out through his shoulders, and then an Ansari man attacked him and struck him on the head with a sword. 'Abdullah bin 'Umar said, 'A slave girl on the roof of a house said: Alas! The chief of the believers (i.e. Musailamah) has been killed by a black slave.' "
4)The Prophet assumed the state of Ihram for Umra and Hajj, and we too assumed it for Hajj with him. When we arrived at Mecca, the Prophet said, "Whoever does not possess a Hadi should regard his Ihram for Umra only." The Prophet had a Hadi with him. 'Ali bin Abi Talib came to us from Yemen with the intention of performing Hajj. The Prophet said (to him), "With what intention have you assumed the Ihram, for your wife is with us?" 'Ali said, "I assumed the Ihram with the same intention as that of the Prophet." The Prophet said, "Keep on the state of Ihram, as we have got the Hadi."
1)Narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurehra (r.a): The Prophet said, "There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment."
2)Narrated by Ibn Abbas: The Prophet said, "Healing is in three things: cupping, a gulp of honey or cauterization, (branding with fire) but I forbid my followers to use cauterization (branding with fire)."
3)When the helmet broke on the head of the Prophet and his face became covered with blood and his incisor tooth broke (i.e. during the battle of Uhud), 'Ali used to bring water in his shield while Fatima was washing the blood off his face. When Fatima saw that the bleeding increased because of the water, she took a mat (of palm leaves), burnt it, and stuck it (the burnt ashes) on the wound of Allah's Apostle, whereupon the bleeding stopped.
4)Allah's Apostle said, "If a fly falls in the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it (into the vessel) and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing (antidote for it) i.e. the treatment for that disease."
1)When the Prophet sent Muadh to Yemen, he said to him, "You are going to a nation from the people of the Scripture, so let the first thing to which you will invite them, be the Tauhid of Allah. If they learn that, tell them that Allah has enjoined on them, five prayers to be offered in one day and one night. And if they pray, tell them that Allah has enjoined on them Zakat of their properties and it is to be taken from the rich among them and given to the poor. And if they agree to that, then take from them Zakat but avoid the best property of the people."
2)I asked the Prophet regarding the Verse: "And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term decreed for it." (36.28) He said, "Its fixed course is underneath Allah's Throne."
3)Hazrat Abu Hurehra (r.a) narrated: Once the Prophet was preaching while a bedouin was sitting there. The Prophet said, "A man from among the people of Paradise will request Allah to allow him to cultivate the land Allah will say to him, 'Haven't you got whatever you desire?' He will reply, 'Yes, but I like to cultivate the land.' (Allah will permit him and) he will sow the seeds, and within seconds the plants will grow and ripen and (the yield) will be harvested and piled in heaps like mountains. On that Allah will say (to him), 'Take, here you are, O son of Adam, for nothing satisfies you.( On that the bedouin said, "O Allah's Apostle! Such man must be either from Quraish or from Ansar, for they are farmers while we are not." On that Allah's Apostle smiled.
4)The Prophet said, There are two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and very light (easy) for the tongue (to say), but very heavy in weight in the balance. They are: 'Subhan Allah wa-bi hamdihi' and 'Subhan Allah Al-'Azim."