Islamic Quiz

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Islamic Quiz

>>>>>>UPDATE: We are making sure that we can get this up and working as soon as we can, here is a little sneak-peak of what we are thinking. Please let us know what do you think of it!

Make sure you use, Internet Explorer 5.x
Optimized for: Internet explorer

1. What is the name of the Java mascot?
a) Luke
b) Duke
c) Nuke
d) Sunny

2. Where is the best place to get Java software?
a) From a can
b) From java.sun.com
c) You have to buy it from Microsoft
d) From your local Star Bucks

3. A 'for' loop in Java looks like this....
a) for(int i=0;i<5;i++){}
b) for i=1 to 5 do
c) repeat...until(i=5)

4. Which platform can not run Java.
Windows NT
Commodore 64
Apple Mac

5. 'JMF' stands for:
A pop group of the 90's who had the hit "Unbelievable"
Java Media Framework
Java Messaging Framework
Java Meditation Forum